Some students were collecting beads to make necklaces with.
a) Lana had 236 beads. She bought 78 more beads.
How many beads does she now have?
b) Talia had 254 beads. She needs to have 328 beads.
How many more beads does she need?
c) Lee had some beads. He bought 65 more beads. This gave him a total of 424 beads.
How many beads did he start off with?
d) i) Which problem did you find easiest?
Lana had 236 beads and got 78 more. How many does she now have?
Talia started with 253 beads and finished with 328. How many more did she get?
Lee got 65 more beads which gave him a total of 424. How many did he start with?
They were all as easy as each other.
e) i) Which question did you find hardest?
They were all just as hard as each other.