Board game
This task is about the chance of something happening in a board game.
Ashlee and her friends are playing a board game.
Every time a player has a turn, they receive either a coin or a note.
The chances of receiving a note or a coin are the same.
There is no other way of receiving notes or coins.
a) If Ashlee has had 10 turns, circle the correct statement.
She will have received exactly 5 coins.
She could have received anywhere from 0 to 10 coins.
She must have received between 3 and 7 coins.
She cannot have received more than 8 coins.
She will have received exactly 10 coins.
b) If Ashlee has received 100 coins, circle the correct statement.
She has had 200 turns.
She has had between 180 and 220 turns.
She has had fewer than 250 turns.
She has had at least 160 turns.
You cannot tell how many turns she has had.
c) If Ashlee has had 50 turns, circle the correct statement.
She will have received exactly 25 notes.
She is as likely to have received 10 notes as she is to have received 20 notes.
She must have received at least 20 notes.
The most likely number of notes she will have received is 25.
She must have received between 21 and 29 notes.
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