Farm helicopter
This task is about the probability of a helicopter landing in an area.
A helicopter lands on one of three farms, drawn to scale above. It could be anywhere on this grid.
a) What farm(s) is the helicopter least likely to have landed on?
Harris's farm
Tawanui's farm
Hurunui's farm
Harris's or Hurunui's farm
It is just as likely to be on any farm.
b) What is the chance that it has landed on Tawanui's farm?
\(1 \over 10\)
\(1 \over 3\)
\(1 \over 4\)
\(3 \over 8\)
\(1 \over 2\)
c) What is the chance that it has landed on Harris's farm?
\(1 \over 15\)
\(1 \over 3\)
\(1 \over 4\)
\(3 \over 8\)
\(1 \over 2\)
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