Estimating sweets
This task is about using a way of estimating that you have discussed with your teacher.
Some children want a quick estimate of the number of bags they need to put some sweets into for the school fair.
Make an estimate of about how many bags they each need, and explain how you estimated this.
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a) Zac has 225 pieces of chocolate, and he decides to put 6 pieces in each bag.
a) Zac has 225 pieces of chocolate, and he decides to put 6 pieces in each bag.
The number of bags he needs is about
This is because ...
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Have a group discussion with your teacher on your ways of estimating for this problem.
Have a group discussion with your teacher on your ways of estimating for this problem.
Make estimates for each of these problems and explain how you made your estimate.
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b) Troy has 198 pieces of toffee, and he decides to put 7 pieces in each bag.
b) Troy has 198 pieces of toffee, and he decides to put 7 pieces in each bag.
The number of bags he needs is about
This is because ...
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c) Lex has 1,433 jaffas, and she decides to put 30 in each bag.
c) Lex has 1,433 jaffas, and she decides to put 30 in each bag.
The number of bags she needs is about
This is because ...
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d) Wendy has 3,271 jubes, and she decides to put 67 in each bag.
d) Wendy has 3,271 jubes, and she decides to put 67 in each bag.
The number of bags she needs is about
This is because ...
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