Write an equation
This task is about solving story problems and writing number sentences.
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a) Joshua had some cherries which he shared with 2 friends.
Joshua kept 10 and he gave his friends 9 each.
a) Joshua had some cherries which he shared with 2 friends.
Joshua kept 10 and he gave his friends 9 each.
i) How many cherries did they have altogether?
ii) Write an equation which gives the number of cherries altogether.
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b) Chloe and Jess went fishing. Chloe caught 12 herrings and Jess caught 8.
They shared the herrings equally among their 4 cats.
b) Chloe and Jess went fishing. Chloe caught 12 herrings and Jess caught 8.
They shared the herrings equally among their 4 cats.
i) How many herrings did each cat get?
ii) Write an equation which shows how many herrings were caught and how they were shared.
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