A solar shower
This task is about explaining how a solar shower works.
Solar showers have bags which can hold up to 50 litres (L) of water.
If the bag is left on the ground in the Sun for a number of hours, the temperature of the water in it may rise to over 40 °C.
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a) Give a detailed description of why the water heats up.
a) Give a detailed description of why the water heats up.
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b) Explain why the top surface of the bag is made of clear plastic.
b) Explain why the top surface of the bag is made of clear plastic.
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c) Explain why the inside bottom surface of the bag is black.
c) Explain why the inside bottom surface of the bag is black.
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d) Explain why the outside bottom surface of the bag is silver.
d) Explain why the outside bottom surface of the bag is silver.
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e) What temperature change would you expect if the solar shower bag was left in the Sun with the silver side facing upwards?
e) What temperature change would you expect if the solar shower bag was left in the Sun with the silver side facing upwards?
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