Eye see
This task is about where different animals have their eyes.
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a) The eyes of carnivores, such as cats, face forward in their skull, but the eyes of herbivores,
e.g., deer, are on the side of their skull.
In terms of survival how does the positioning of the eyes help each of these animal types?
a) The eyes of carnivores, such as cats, face forward in their skull, but the eyes of herbivores,
e.g., deer, are on the side of their skull.
In terms of survival how does the positioning of the eyes help each of these animal types?
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b) Some carnivores, such as crocodiles, have eyes on top of their head.
Explain how this would help them survive.
b) Some carnivores, such as crocodiles, have eyes on top of their head.
Explain how this would help them survive.
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c) Monkeys also have their eyes facing forward in their skull, but they are not carnivores.
Why is it useful for them to have eyes that face forward in their skull?
c) Monkeys also have their eyes facing forward in their skull, but they are not carnivores.
Why is it useful for them to have eyes that face forward in their skull?
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