Body piercing 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about interpreting the visual features of a cartoon. Question 2Change answer a) Identify three common features of cartoons the artist has used. a) Identify three common features of cartoons the artist has used. 1. 2. 3. Question 2Change answer b) Explain the meaning of "for keeps" in the cartoon. b) Explain the meaning of "for keeps" in the cartoon. Question 2Change answer c) Frame one shows a happy couple. In frame two they are locked together and in a stressful situation. List four ways the cartoonist has shown this. c) Frame one shows a happy couple. In frame two they are locked together and in a stressful situation. List four ways the cartoonist has shown this. 1. 2. 3. 4. Question 2Change answer d) What is the cartoonist saying about body piercing in this cartoon? d) What is the cartoonist saying about body piercing in this cartoon? Task administration: This task can be completed using pencil and paper or online (without auto-marking). Copyright: Cartoon copyright: Trace Hodgson, permission to use for educational purposes in Aotearoa New Zealand (August, 2008). Level: 5 Curriculum info: English, Making meaning, Viewing Keywords: cartoon, visual cues, main idea, puns Description of task: Students look at a cartoon and answer questions about the use and meaning of particular features and techniques. Answers/responses: Y10 (09/1999) a) Any 3 of: Speech box/speech bubble. Line drawings. Signature of artist/cartoonist. Stylised heading/lettering. Movement lines. Exaggeration. 3 correct – very difficult 2 correct – difficult 1 correct – difficult b) Any 1 of: Love me forever. (implying the relationship). Locked together by jewellery for keeps. easy c) Any 4 of: Eyes open/pop-eyed. Perspiration drops. Stress lines around both faces. Stretched/elongated exaggerated nose/lips/tongue. Man's hair standing up on end. Woman's teeth bared/exposed. Heart shaped background changes. 4 correct – difficult 3 correct – moderate 2 correct – easy 1 correct – very easy d) That excessive body piercing will present some physical problems. [No mark for global anti-body piercing answers.] easy Gallipoli comments The phantom knocker Verbal abuse Road safety Rock Cartoon What goes around comes around Born to be wild The New Zealand Flag Treasure map