4 Statements about angles and lines 6 Keywords: angle propertiesangleslinesparallelperpendicular Students select the best word from a list of geometric terms to fill in the gaps on a set of maths notes about lines and angles. Preview
3 Parallel lines 2 Keywords: linesparallelperpendicularright anglesshape properties Students are required to draw in arrows to show the parallel lines on three given shapes. They then draw in a right-angle symbol to show the perpendicular lines on three other given shapes. Preview
4 Identifying lines 1 Keywords: horizontallinesperpendicularvertical Students select the best word to describe lines found on musical symbols. Preview
3 Draw a line 3 Keywords: line segmentslinesparallelperpendicularright angles Students draw in lines that are parallel to, or at right angles to, a given line. Preview