5 Debating techniques II 1 Keywords: debatingproceduretechniques Students study a short transcript of part of a debate and answer six short questions on debating techniques and procedures. Preview
3 Chunky chalks 6 Keywords: SJ-2-4-2000School Journalinstructionslocate informationproceduretext featuresverbs For this task students read the article, 'Chunky Chalks', and identify the ingredients and equipment used to write a set of 10 instructions for making chunky chalk. Students then identify the verb in each instruction. SJ-2-4-2000. Text not provided. Preview
2 Make a pūrerehua 10 Keywords: SJ-1-1-2001instructionsprocedurepūrerehuastructure and languagevisual cues In this resource, students write instructions to match each photograph about making a pūrerehua. SJ-1-1-2001. Text provided. Preview