Editing your writing - Learning intention guide


Information for teachers:

•    This assessment guide could be used for either self- or peer-assessment  purposes, or a combination of both.
•    Students should be familiar with how to self- and/or peer-assess, and with what they are looking for, before using this guide.
•    Ideally, the assessment would be followed-up with a conference, either with the peer-assessor or the teacher.
•    The 'next time' section of the assessment guide is for students to set their next goals. This section could be glued into the student's work book as a record.
•    When explaining to students how to complete the assessment task, teachers could include the following points:
  a) Write your first draft.
  b) Use the editing guide to help you make any changes which would improve the quality of your work.
  c) Make the changes to your writing.
  d) Use the guide again to assess and reflect on the editing and the quality of your work.

How to use this resource:

This resource is designed so teachers can select the criteria they want to use for the focus of the assessment. After selecting the criteria, and whether to have a peer- or a self-guide, single click the button to construct an assessment guide appropriate to the needs of the individual students, the groups, or the class.

Please select the criteria to match your students' learning needs.

Editing your writing - Learning intention guide (WL2638)

1 Different sentence beginnings have been used to make the writing more interesting,

e.g.,                Later                      At eight o'clock
I got up. Then I had breakfast. Then I walked to school.

2 Different sentence lengths have been used to make the writing more interesting,


Snap! There was a noise behind me. I trembled with fear and took off running.
There was a noise. I got a fright. I ran.

3 Each paragraph groups similar information/ideas together.
4 Unnecessary words have been taken out,

e.g.,  The very, very tall giant of a boy towered over his friends.

5 Words (adjectives and adverbs) that add detail and description have been added,

e.g.,  The children looked up at the sky to see the plane flying overhead.

6 Some words have been changed to make the writing clear and precise,

e.g.,                           the kakapo
Jane could hear the birds calling.

7 Words have been moved around to make the writing read better,

e.g.,  The car looked lonely parked at the side of the road.
It had broken down.

8 Words and phrases that have been used too many times have been changed.

e.g.,                                                                                            Crash!
It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly the wind blew. Suddenly

9 Words appropriate to the topic have been used,

e.g.,  Evaporation                                                                                      vapour or
This thing happens when the sun heats up the water and turns it into steam.

10 The sentences are in the best order.
11 The paragraphs are in the best order.


Peer                       Self