3 What could it be? 4 Keywords: analysiscomprehensioninferencepoetryprogressive disclosure This comprehension task involves progressively disclosing a poem to students. It assesses their ability to infer. Preview
3 Flea feast 12 Keywords: SJ-3-1-1999School Journalcomprehensioninferencepoetry A poem about fleas from a School Journal is the context for this resource. The assessment focus is on making inferences. SJ-3-1-1999. Text provided. Preview
4 What or who are they? 5 Keywords: SJ-4-1-2002comprehensioninferencepoetryprogressive disclosureself-assessmentsynthesis This comprehension task involves progressively disclosing a poem to students. It assesses their ability to use evidence from the poem to work out what it could be describing. SJ-4-1-2002. Text provided. Preview