International time difference II

This task is about working with negative numbers and international time zones.
New Zealand (NZ) +12 Berlin (B) +2
Sydney (S) +10 Amsterdam (A) +1
Los Angeles (LA) -8 Moscow (M) +4
Vanuatu (V) +11 Ecuador (E) -5

The table shows how many hours each place is ahead of, or behind, Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T).

Question Change answer

a)  On the time line below put in the code letter(s) of each place, showing its difference from G.M.T.
     Amsterdam (A) has been done for you.
Drag and drop image target

Question 2Change answer

a)  How many hours is New Zealand time ahead of Amsterdam time?   hours
b)  What is the time difference between Sydney and Moscow?  hours
c)  What is the time difference between New Zealand and Ecuador?  hours
d)  At 6:30 p.m. John, in New Zealand, phones his friend in Berlin. What time would it be in Berlin?
e)  If it is 2300 hours in Los Angeles, what is the time in Vanuatu?