Bus timetable II

This task is about reading a timetable.
bus timetable

Question 2Change answer

Jake lives in Kapua.  On Saturday he has a game of cricket at Seaview Park.
a)  Jake’s game begins at 10:00 a.m. He has to be there 20 minutes before the game starts.
     What time does the bus that he should catch leave Kapua? 

Question 2Change answer

b)  Jake’s cricket game finishes by 2:00 p.m. 
     He wants to visit his friend Nick in hospital.
     i)  At what time does the next bus leave from Seaview Park?       
     ii) How many minutes does the bus take to get from Seaview Park to the hospital?

Question 2Change answer

c)  Jake catches the 3:48 bus home from the hospital.
     i)  What time does this bus arrive at Kapua? 
     ii)  Is this time a.m. or p.m?