Saving money

This task is about working out how much savings people make over time.

Question 1Change answer

illustration: Joseph
a) Joseph is saving up to buy something special.
    He puts $8 into his bank account every week. 
    After 12 weeks how much has he put in the bank? $ 


illustration: Wiremu
b) Wiremu wants to save for a $480 bike.
    He saves $20 per week.
    About how long does it take him to save the $480?
    • 5 weeks

    • 10 weeks

    • 15 weeks

    • 20 weeks

    • 25 weeks

    • 30 weeks

Question 1Change answer

illustration: Ethan
c) Ethan puts $690 into his bank account over 30 weeks.
    He puts the same amount each week.
    How much did he put each week? $