The right money

This task is about working out amounts of money.
pile of coins.png
Maraea gets a pile of coins from her grandfather.  She uses the coins in different ways.


a)  Maraea spends $2.90 at the shop.
     Which row shows $2.90?  (Choose one)
    • 50 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents2 dollars

    • 20 cents20 cents50 cents1 dollar

    • 20 cents20 cents1 dollar1 dollar50 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar10 cents2 dollars

    • 20 cents50 cents10 cents10 cents2 dollars


b)  Maraea gives $1.30 to her brother.
     Which row shows $1.30?  (Choose one)
    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar2 dollars

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar10 cents10 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents10 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents


c)  Maraea puts $1.60 into her piggy bank.
     Which row shows $1.60?  (Choose one)
    • 1 dollar50 cents10 cents20 cents20 cents

    • 50 cents10 cents2 dollars

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents1 dollar50 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents

    • 20 cents20 cents20 cents20 cents50 cents10 cents