Cleaning up the beach

This task is about how rubbish affects the beach and what lives and grows there.
These items were found at the beach.
oil-can.png  plastic-six-pack.png   fish-on-beach.png   baked-bean-tin.png

Think about:
  • how they affect the beach and sea,
  • how they affect plants and animals 
  • how they affect people

Question Change answer

Place the statements in the correct spaces on the table below.
Image counting main image


If you could only clean up 1 type of rubbish, which would you choose? (Select one)

    • oil

    • plastic 6 pack can holder

    • dead fish

    • empty baked bean tin

Give a reason for your answer


If you could only take away 3 of the types of rubbish at the beach, which one would you choose to leave? (Select one)

    • oil

    • plastic 6 pack can holder

    • dead fish

    • empty baked bean tin

Give a reason for your answer