Paragraphs 5

This task is about identifying the main parts of a paragraph.

Question Change answer

a) Jonathan wrote a paragraph to describe the countryside around the house where he used to live.
The sentences are jumbled up.  Drag them into the right order.
  • the-countryside-p5-2.png
  • from-here-p5-2.png
  • it-was-p5-2.png
  • around-the-p5-2.png
  • I-loved-p5-2.png
  • sheep-and-p5-2.png


Here is Jonathan's paragraph.


The countryside around my old house was beautiful. Lush hedgerows bordered the roads that meandered from village to village. Open fields, dotted with sheep, stretched away as far as the eye could see. From my bedroom window, I had a clear view of a nearby lake ringed by weeping willows, which were soft green in summer and spiky brown in winter. It was an inspiring place to live.


b)  Read the paragraph again, then decide whether the sentence below is a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, or a summary sentence.


Lush hedgerows bordered the roads that meandered from village to village.

    • Topic sentence

    • Supporting sentence

    • Summary sentence


The countryside around my old house was beautiful. Lush hedgerows bordered the roads that meandered from village to village. Open fields, dotted with sheep, stretched away as far as the eye could see. From my bedroom window, I had a clear view of a nearby lake ringed by weeping willows, which were soft green in summer and spiky brown in winter. It was an inspiring place to live.


c)  Decide whether this sentence is a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, or a summary sentence.


It was an inspiring place to live.

    • Topic sentence

    • Supporting sentence

    • Summary sentence


The countryside around my old house was beautiful. Lush hedgerows bordered the roads that meandered from village to village. Open fields, dotted with sheep, stretched away as far as the eye could see. From my bedroom window, I had a clear view of a nearby lake ringed by weeping willows, which were soft green in summer and spiky brown in winter. It was an inspiring place to live.

d)  Decide whether this sentence is a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, or a summary sentence.


Open fields, dotted with sheep, stretched away as far as the eye could see.

    • Topic sentence

    • Supporting sentence

    • Summary sentence


The countryside around my old house was beautiful. Lush hedgerows bordered the roads that meandered from village to village. Open fields, dotted with sheep, stretched away as far as the eye could see. From my bedroom window, I had a clear view of a nearby lake ringed by weeping willows, which were soft green in summer and spiky brown in winter. It was an inspiring place to live.


e)  Decide whether this sentence is a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, or a summary sentence.


The countryside around my old house was beautiful.

    • Topic sentence

    • Supporting sentence

    • Summary sentence

Question 1Change answer

g)  Choose one of the topics below and write a paragraph to describe the topic to a reader. Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence, two or more supporting sentences, and a summary sentence.
  • Your favourite meal
  • A character from a book, movie or television programme
  • A favourite place in your community, such as a local park or shopping mall


The countryside around my old house was beautiful. Lush hedgerows bordered the roads that meandered from village to village. Open fields, dotted with sheep, stretched away as far as the eye could see. From my bedroom window, I had a clear view of a nearby lake ringed by weeping willows, which were soft green in summer and spiky brown in winter. It was an inspiring place to live.


f)  Decide whether this sentence is a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, or a summary sentence.


From my bedroom window, I had a clear view of a nearby lake ringed by weeping willows, which were soft green in summer and spiky brown in winter.

    • Topic sentence

    • Supporting sentence

    • Summary sentence

Question 1Change answer

Now check your writing.
Read through your paragraph carefully. Use the following questions to help you edit your paragraph.
Have I written a clear topic sentence that tells the reader what the paragraph will be about?
Have I written one or more supporting sentences that provide detail about my main idea?
Have I written a summary sentence that rounds off the paragraph and refers back to my main idea?