What's wrong?

This task is about adding words to a text so it makes sense.

The following piece of writing has some spaces where words are missing.

First, read the whole piece of writing through to get an idea of what it is about. Then fill each space with ONE word so that the whole piece of writing makes sense. You are able to change answers as you go.

When you have filled in all the spaces, re-read the text to check that the whole piece of writing makes sense.

Question 1Change answer

What's Wrong?
by Nanda Thomas
There are screams coming from outside the house. It's my little brother who's screaming, and when I run outside, I can see why he's screaming so loudly. I don't know what to do. All 1 can see is my little brother's back, 2 legs and his head wedged tightly in the gap 3 the steps Dad has made. I yell for Mum 4 she's not here. "Please, Mum," I think, "Please 5 back soon!" I'll just have to listen to the screaming 6 wait till someone comes. Suddenly I see 7 coming in the gate. She runs towards us, calling 8, "What's wrong? What's wrong?" She kneels down 9 my brother, holding him firmly. She looks carefully 10 the steps. Then suddenly everything is quiet. My 11 stops screaming. My mother is holding him under 12 arms and pulling him gently across towards the 13 side of the steps. His head turns around 14 he slides across between the steps, until at 15 he is able to free it completely. He 16 out. I look at the steps again. Now 17 can see what the problem was. The steps 18 not the same height at each side. The 19 at one side is bigger than the gap 20 the other side. My brother put his head 21 the big gap and moved his head along 22 see what was under the house. Then 23 couldn't get it out again. Mum is hugging 24 brother, telling him everything is all right. "Don't 25 ever put your head between those steps again," 26 says. He won't. I know he won't.