Whose nest is this?

I am learning to look very carefully and notice what is important when answering a science question.
I will know I can do this when:
  •  I notice things about birds and where they live.
  •  I can give reasons for my ideas about which nest belongs to each bird.


Which nest belongs to this bird?
    • 110042246 blackbird nest225 px.png

    • 11108_6113 fantail nest 150px.png

    • Oyster catcher nest198-089 225px.png

    • Pukeko nest 100px dreamstime_xl_18699185.png

Why did you choose this nest?


Which nest belongs to this bird?
    • 110042246 blackbird nest225 px.png

    • 11108_6113 fantail nest 150px.png

    • Oyster catcher nest198-089 225px.png

    • Pukeko nest 100px dreamstime_xl_18699185.png

Why did you choose this nest?



Which nest belongs to this bird?

    • 110042246 blackbird nest225 px.png

    • fantail nest

    • Oyster catcher nest198-089 225px.png

    • Pukeko nest 100px dreamstime_xl_18699185.png

Why did you choose this nest?


blackbird in a tree
Which nest belongs to this bird?
    • 110042246 blackbird nest225 px.png

    • 11108_6113 fantail nest 150px.png

    • Oyster catcher nest198-089 225px.png

    • Pukeko nest 100px dreamstime_xl_18699185.png

Why did you choose this nest?