Patterns on the Periodic Table

This task is about recognising patterns on the periodic table.
Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist who is credited with the invention of the periodic table. [Learn more about Mendeleev here]
For this exercise you will be using information on element cards such as the one below to make conclusions about patterns in elements on the periodic table - very much like Mendeleev did back in the mid 1800s.
Carbon informative information card.PNG

Question Change answer

a)   Look closely for patterns in the periodic table.  Drag and drop the elements below to where they belong in the table.
Image counting main image

Question 1Change answer

Here are the first three elements in the second column of the periodic table.​ ​​ ​Column 2 including Ca .jpg
b)   Complete the following statements by choosing an option from the drop-down box or writing your answer in the space provided.
     i) As you go down each column (or group) of the periodic table the number of electrons in the outer shell increasesdecreasesstays the same and the number of shells increasesdecreasesstays the same
The element calcium is found immediately below magnesium on the periodic table. 
What is calcium's atomic number? 
What is calcium's electron configuration? 
     iv) Use the pattern you can see in the properties of the elements in a column to predict the properties of calcium.
I predict calcium will have the following properties: It will be gasliquidsolid at room temperature, it will be a metalnon metal, and it will be very reactivereactivenot very reactive

Question 1Change answer

Here are the first 5 elements of the second row of the periodic table.
period 2 860 px wide final.jpg
c)   Complete the following statements by choosing an option from the drop-down box or writing your answer in the space provided.
As you go across each row of the periodic table the number of electrons in the outer shell increasesdecreasesstays the same and the number of shells increasesdecreasesstays the same
The atomic number of nitrogen is 
Look at the pattern in atomic masses and use it to suggest what the atomic mass of boron might be 
Type in the electron configuration for nitrogen