Reading graphs

This task is about reading information from graphs.
Sienna and Wiremu's team rolled a marble down a ramp three times. They measured the distance from the bottom of the ramp to where each marble stopped. They wrote the results in the data table below. 
Trials Distance marble travelled
1 20 centimetres (cm)
2 24 centimetres (cm)
3 19 centimetres (cm)
Wiremu's graph
Sienna's graph

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Sienna and Wiremu each drew a graph from the data collected. The teacher asked Henri to look at the two graphs and write down all the things that were the same about them. Henri wrote that both graphs:

  • were bar graphs
  • had a distance label on the same axis (side of the graph). 
a) Is there anything that was the same in both the graphs that Henri missed? YesNo    
Explain why you think this.
Wiremu's graph
Sienna's graph

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b) Is there anything that is different in both graphs? YesNo
Explain why you think this.
Wiremu's graph
Sienna's graph

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c) Which is the easier graph to read? Wiremu'sSienna's
Explain why you think this.