Bike ride on the beach

This task is about punctuating direct speech.
While they were on holiday, Ruby and Tim went for a bike ride to the beach with their cousin, Melanie.
Read the speech bubbles on the following pages to see what they said to each other. Then drag the punctuation marks into the correct places in the sentences below the photos.
Hint: You may not need to fill every space with punctuation, and you may have some punctuation left over.

Question Change answer

Read the speech bubbles to see what Melanie, Ruby and Tim say to each other.
Then drag the speech marks and comma into the correct places to punctuate the sentence below.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

Drag the punctuation marks into the correct places in the sentence below.
Hint: You night not need to fill every space and you may have some punctuation left over.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

Drag the punctuation into the correct places in the sentences below.
Hint: You might not need to fill every space and you may have some punctuation left over.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

Drag the punctuation into the correct places in the sentences below.
Hint: You might not need to fill every space and you may have some punctuation left over.
Image counting main image

Question Change answer

Drag the punctuation to the correct places in the sentences below.
Hint: You might not need to fill every space, and you may have some punctuation left over.
Image counting main image

Question 1Change answer

two girls on a park bench
Now write a conversation between the people in this photograph. Make sure you use punctuation correctly to show where their words begin and end.

Question 1Change answer

two girls on a park bench
Share your writing with a partner.
Together, check the punctuation. Then work with your partner to add two more lines of conversation. What do the people say next?