Reflection, rotation and translation II

This resource is about recognising different ways of transforming shapes.

For each drawing, select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.


a)  Select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.

pari of square shapes

    • Reflection

    • Rotation

    • Translation


b)  Select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.
pair of threes on a dice
    • Reflection

    • Rotation

    • Translation


c)  Select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.

pair of triangles

    • Reflection 

    • Rotation

    • Translation


d)  Select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.

pair of ovals

    • Reflection 

    • Rotation

    • Translation


e)  Select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.

pair of square shapes

    • Reflection 

    • Rotation

    • Translation


f)  Select the word that describes how the first shape has been turned into the second shape.

pair of shaded squares with lines

    • Reflection 

    • Rotation

    • Translation