The forgotten fork II

This task is about using visual techniques to communicate ideas.
This resource uses a presentation from 'The Underwater Melon Man' by Flaws, Baysting and Dasent. 
Read the poem and look closely at the illustration. You will use ideas from the poem and the illustration to create your own visual presentation to share with others.  
The Forgotten Fork poem
The title Forgotten Fork is made up of two words that begin with the same sound. This is called alliteration.
The author has given the fork human qualities such as loneliness and dejection. This is called personification.
Your task is to:
  1. Choose an object found at school, e.g., a ruler, a calculator, a rubbish bin.
  2. Give it a name that uses alliteration.
  3. Give it human qualities.
  4. Create a visual presentation of your object.
  5. Explain the techniques you have used in your visual presentation.
  6. Share your visual presentation and explanation with a classmate to get their feedback.

Question 2Change answer

a)  i)  What object have you chosen?  
     ii)  What name have you given it? 
     iii)  Which human qualities will you give it?
Create a visual presentation of your object to show its human qualities. Think about techniques you can use to achieve this.

Question 1Change answer

Describe the visual techniques you have used:
How do your visual techniques help to personify the object
(make it seem human)? 
Other visual techniques used: 
Look below and consider

Question 1Change answer

c) Show your visual presentation and your explanation to someone in your class and ask them to complete the feedback form below.
a)  i)  What object have you chosen?  
     ii)  What name have you given it? 
     iii)  Which human qualities will you give it?
Describe the visual techniques you have used:
How do your visual techniques help to personify the object
(make it seem human)? 
Other visual techniques used: 
Feedback from someone in your class
Impact: How well do the visual techniques communicate personification?
Concept: How clear are the written explanations of the visual techniques?  
What other ideas are shown in this presentation, and how would you explain them?  