NMSSA Science Toolkit - Assessment 1

This is an assessment of your learning in science.

In this test there are three different types of questions for you to answer. You might need to:
1. Click on one or more answers to select them.
2. Click on an answer and move it to the right place on the screen.
3. Write a response to a question.
When you have answered a question click on the Next button Next button image.png. To go back to a question you have already attempted click on the grey back arrow button.  Go back button.png
You may need to scroll down the page to read all the information.
There are 36 questions in this test. It should take you about 45 minutes to complete. Try to answer all the questions.


In Aotearoa New Zealand we have several types of wasp. We can identify them by looking carefully at their features.
German wasps:
  • are yellow and black
  • have black spots running down their back
  • have black antennae (feelers).
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4
© Public domain | Needpix.com
© gailhampshire | Flickr, CC BY 2.0
© Bob Peterson | Flickr, CC-BY 2.0
© J.Fisher | PhotoKete
1)  Which photo shows a German wasp?
    • Photo 1

    • Photo 2

    • Photo 3

    • Photo 4

Question 1Change answer

German wasps:
  • are yellow and black
  • have black spots running down their back
  • have black antennae (feelers).
Photo 5
© J.Fisher | PhotoKete
2)  Use the information about German wasps to give one reason why photo 5 is not a German wasp.


Water cycle

Water Source

Total Water (%)

Glaciers & Snows
Rivers & Lakes
Atmosphere (w/clouds)
Use the table above to answer the following question.
3)  There is more water stored in the ground than in the atmosphere.
    • True

    • False

Question 3Change answer

Water Source

Total Water (%)

Glaciers & Snows
Rivers & Lakes
Atmosphere (w/clouds)
A green pie graph with a small blue section
4) The data from this table is represented as a pie chart. What does the green section represent? 

Question 1Change answer

diagram of breathing in and out
© Openstax (derived) | CC-BY SA 4.0
Look at the diagram above.
5)  Name two things about our bodies that change when we breathe in and out.
1. 2.

Question 1Change answer

diagram of breathing in and out
© Openstax (derived) | CC-BY SA 4.0
Look at the diagram above.
6)  Name two things about our bodies that stay the same whether we are breathing in or out.
1. 2.

Question 1Change answer

Image: Public domain | immunize.org
Some people think it is very important to be vaccinated against diseases such as measles. Others disagree.
7) Give one reason why someone might choose to be vaccinated.

Question 1Change answer

8) Give one reason why someone might choose not to be vaccinated.

Question 1Change answer

In some parts of New Zealand lupins are a weed. When they grow along rivers, lupins change the water flow and cause flooding and erosion. They alter the environment for native birds and plants that live and grow there.
Lupin image.jpg

© J. Fisher | PhotoKete

9) Describe this lupin plant in enough detail that a person working on killing weeds could recognise the correct plant and destroy it.


Energy Bulbs 1
Types of bulbs
Energy can change from one form to another. All these light bulbs produce heat as energy changes inside them.
10)  Which of the following statements correctly describes the energy changes for all these light bulbs?
    • electricity to light and heat 

    • electricity to light

    • electricity to heat

    • electricity to electricity

Question 1Change answer

​Department of Conservation | CC-BY-2.0
    Fact file
  • Kākāpō are the only parrots in the world that can't fly.
  • They have strong legs for climbing.
  • They are nocturnal.
  • They are the heaviest parrots in the world, reaching up to 4kg.
  • Kākāpō have yellowish-green feathers.
  • They live in forests, grasslands, and coastal areas.
  • They eat very low-quality food.
  • They have a musty, sweet smell.
  • When kākāpō feel threatened, they freeze.

The kākāpō are an endangered bird. Before humans came to New Zealand, the only predators of the kākāpō were the eagle, harrier, and falcon. These large birds used sight to hunt for their prey.
Use the fact file to answer the following question.
11)  Describe two features of the kākāpō that made it difficult for the eagle, harrier, and falcon to see them.

Question 1Change answer

​Department of Conservation | CC-BY-2.0
    Fact file
  • Kākāpō are the only parrots in the world that can't fly.
  • They have strong legs for climbing.
  • They are nocturnal.
  • They are the heaviest parrots in the world, reaching up to 4kg.
  • Kākāpō have yellowish-green feathers.
  • They live in forests, grasslands, and coastal areas.
  • They eat very low-quality food.
  • They have a musty, sweet smell.
  • When kākāpō feel threatened, they freeze.
When humans arrived in New Zealand, they brought in animals from other countries, such as rats, cats, ferrets, and stoats. These animals use their senses such as smell and hearing when hunting.
Use the fact file to answer the following question.
12) Describe two features of the kākāpō that made them easy prey for rats, cats, ferrets, and stoats.


​Department of Conservation | CC-BY-2.0
    Fact file
  • Kākāpō are the only parrots in the world that can't fly.
  • They have strong legs for climbing.
  • They are nocturnal.
  • They are the heaviest parrots in the world, reaching up to 4kg.
  • Kākāpō have yellowish-green feathers.
  • They live in forests, grasslands, and coastal areas.
  • They eat very low-quality food.
  • They have a musty, sweet smell.
  • When kākāpō feel threatened, they freeze.
13)  What is the most important thing people need to think about if they want to help the kākāpō survive?
    • The speed they run.

    • The food they eat.

    • The predators that hunt them.

    • The trees they can climb.


Rainwater runoff
When rain falls it either:
  • soaks into the ground to become rainwater
  • evaporates, or
  • flows over the surface of the land.

In some places the surface of the land is permeable and the water soaks through and goes into the groundwater.

In other places the surface is impermeable and the water flows over the land into rivers, lakes, and the sea. This is called runoff or storm water.
© Public domain | Public domain pictures
14)  Which of the following surfaces do you think are permeable? (Choose as many as you like.)
    • gardens

    • bush areas

    • concrete paths

    • grassed areas

    • sand dunes

    • roads


When rain falls it either:
  • soaks into the ground to become rainwater
  • evaporates, or
  • flows over the surface of the land.
In some places the surface of the land is permeable and the water soaks through and goes into the groundwater.
In other places the surface is impermeable and the water flows over the land into rivers, lakes, and the sea. This is called runoff or storm water.
15) Where do you think there would be more runoff - in towns or rural (country) areas?
    • Town areas

    • Rural (country) areas

Explain your answer

Question Change answer

16)  Runoff can cause damage. Drag each reason to the box with the matching idea.
Limits the amount of plastic carried to the sea by runoff.
Allows runoff to be carried out to the sea rather than flowing over the surface.
Waste-water seeps into the ground rather than flowing over the surface.
Don't leave rubbish lying around.
Wash your car on the grass.
Keep storm water gutters free of leaves and debris.


Breakfast cereals
The table shows how much fibre, protein, sugar, and fat (per 100g) there are in 3 different breakfast cereals.
Cereal Fibre
Sugar Fat
A 9.2g 9.3g 22.2g 1.1g
B 3.2g 7.4g 25.8g 11.9g
C 10.4g 14.9g 13.6g 28.9g
17)  If you wanted to eat a high fibre/low sugar breakfast, which cereal would be the best choice?
    • A

    • B

    • C


Cereal Fibre
Sugar Fat
A 9.2g 9.3g 22.2g 1.1g
B 3.2g 7.4g 25.8g 11.9g
C 10.4g 14.9g 13.6g 28.9g
18)  If you wanted to eat a high protein/low fat breakfast, which cereal would be the best choice?
    • A

    • B

    • C


Cereal Fibre
Sugar Fat
A 9.2g 9.3g 22.2g 1.1g
B 3.2g 7.4g 25.8g 11.9g
C 10.4g 14.9g 13.6g 28.9g
One of the cereals contains a lot of dried fruit.
Dried fruit contains fibre and sugar.
19) Which cereal is most likely to contain a lot of dried fruit?
    • A

    • B

    • C

Geordie wants to test whether a marble travels further on smooth or rough surfaces. The table below shows the things he could use for his investigation.
big marble
piece of lino
ramp with a steep slope

toy car
small marble
piece of carpet

tape measure
ramp with a gentle slope


20)  Which 5 things will Geordie need for his investigation to test whether a marble travels further on smooth or rough surfaces?
    • large marble        lino tile        steep slope ramp        tape measure      carpet tile

    • large marble        lino tile        carpet tile        gentle slope ramp        small marble

    • lino tile        steep slope ramp        carpet tile        gentle slope ramp        toy car

      steep slope ramp        tape measure        carpet tile        gentle slope ramp        small marble


21)  To make sure he can trust his results, what should Geordie do?
    • Time carefully how long it takes the marble to roll down the slope.

    • Repeat his experiment several times with the same marble.

    • Ask a friend to measure how far the marble travels.

    • Measure carefully the height of the ramp.


Students in Room 4 were asked to do an investigation to find out what magnetic materials have in common. Mahana's group recorded their results in a table.
magnet dreamstimemedium_20835260-800.jpg
Source: Dreamstime
Material Stuck to the magnet
metal paperclip yes
plastic paperclip no
rubber eraser no
plastic ruler no
soft drink can yes
pen no
pencil no
phone no
zip on jacket yes
dollar coin yes
Use the information in the table to answer the following question.
22) What was the same about the materials that stuck to the magnet?
    • They were all metal.

    • They were all plastic.

    • They were all heavy.

    • They were all rubber.


Material Stuck to the magnet
metal paperclip yes
plastic paperclip no
rubber eraser no
plastic ruler no
soft drink can yes
pen no
pencil no
phone no
zip on jacket yes
dollar coin yes
23)  Elijah said "All small things were attracted to the magnet". Which one of these things from the investigation tells us he is wrong?
    • The plastic paperclip did not stick to the magnet.

    • The metal paperclip did stick to the magnet.

    • The dollar coin did stick to the magnet.

    • The plastic ruler did not stick to the magnet.


24)  Which question below could not be answered by doing a practical investigation?
    • Are the magnets in our class the same size?

    • Do the magnets in our class pick up the same things?

    • How are magnets made?

    • Does a rubber band stick to a magnet?


magnet with paper clips dreamstimemedium_79236425-800.jpg
Source: Dreamstime
Erin said if magnets are the same size, they are also the same strength.
25) Which test results would show she is wrong? Choose two.
    • Magnets of the same size picked up the same number of paperclips.

    • Magnets of different sizes picked up the same number of paperclips.

    • Magnets of the same size picked up different numbers of paperclips.

    • Magnets of different sizes picked up different numbers of paperclips.


Scientists do tests to find out what might happen to animals if the climate gets warmer.
One test they did was to find out what happened to crabs when the water the crabs lived in was made warmer.
Grey crab on rock background
© J.Fisher | PhotoKete
26) Which of the following results from the scientists' test would most likely mean there would be fewer crabs in the future?
    • The crabs were able to survive in the warmer water.

    • The crabs moved more slowly in the warmer water.

    • The crabs had fewer baby crabs in the warmer water.

    • The crabs did not grow as big in the warmer water.

Question 3Change answer

27) Explain why you chose this answer.
  • The crabs were able to survive in the warmer water.

  • The crabs moved more slowly in the warmer water.

  • The crabs had fewer baby crabs in the warmer water.

  • The crabs did not grow as big in the warmer water.


Everything is made up of particles. Particles are so small that we can't see them. Scientists use diagrams to explain how particles move when water changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas.
Diagram of the movement of particles.
a diagram of particles moving slowly as a solid, more quickly as a liquid, and more quickly still as a gas
28)  Which of the following statements describes what is happening when a block of ice melts?
    • Water is changing from a solid to a gas.

    • Water is changing from a liquid to a solid.

    • Water is changing from a liquid to a gas.

    • Water is changing from a solid to a liquid.


Everything is made up of particles. Particles are so small that we can't see them. Scientists use diagrams to explain how particles move when water changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas.
Diagram of the movement of particles.
a diagram of particles moving slowly as a solid, more quickly as a liquid, and more quickly still as a gas
29)  Which statement best describes the energy change that happens when ice turns into water?
    • Energy is added to a solid to make a liquid.

    • Energy is removed from a liquid to make a solid.

    • Energy is added to a liquid to make a gas.

    • Energy is removed from a gas to make a liquid.


a diagram of particles moving slowly as a solid, more quickly as a liquid, and more quickly still as a gas
30)  Which type of energy would change ice to water? 
    • Wind

    • Heat

    • Light

    • Electricity


Diagram of the movement of particles.
a diagram of particles moving slowly as a solid, more quickly as a liquid, and more quickly still as a gas
In the diagram, the symbols different types of particles are used to show how fast the particles are moving.
31) Which statement correctly describes the particle movement when a liquid changes to a gas?
    • The particles slow down.

    • The particles speed up.

    • The particles stay at the same speed.

Question 4Change answer

diagram of particles moving slowly as a solid, more quickly as a liquid, and more quickly still as a gas
32)  Explain what happens to water particles when ice melts. Write so that a six-year-old child could understand your explanation.


Dissolving sugar

Some students dissolved sugar in water at different temperatures. Each time, they measured the temperature of 100 mls of water, put 1 teaspoon of sugar in the water, and stirred until all the sugar was dissolved. Here is a graph of their results.
Dissolving sugar graph.png
33)  What does the graph show?
    • Sugar dissolves more quickly in hot water than cold water.

    • Sugar needs to be left in water for a long time to dissolve.

    • The less sugar there is, the more quickly it dissolves.

    • Sugar dissolves more quickly in cold water than hot water.

Question 1Change answer

Dissolving sugar graph.png
34)  Use the graph to predict how long it would take for the sugar to dissolve at 5° C.


Sam put some sugar and water in a jar. He weighed the jar of sugar and water straight away and again when the sugar had dissolved. Here are his results.
diagam of two jars
35)  Which statement is backed up by Sam's evidence?
    • The sugar has gone because you can’t see it in the water.

    • The sugar is still there because the water will taste sweet.

    • The sugar is still there because the jars are the same weight.

    • The sugar could be gone because there is no evidence it is there.


Cooling drinks
Alice wanted to find out if some drinks cooled faster than others. She put 250 ml of  water, tea, coffee, and milk into 4 cups.
She heated each cup in the microwave for 90 seconds. Then she timed how long it was before she could put her finger in the liquid.
From her investigation she decided that milk cooled more quickly than water, tea, or coffee.
selection of different drinks
36)  Maya said the results could not be trusted. Choose three reasons she might think this.
    • The amount of drink in each cup is different.

    • The cups are different shapes.

    • She didn't time the heating of the drinks carefully.

    • She didn't measure how hot each drink got.

    • She didn't measure the temperatures accurately.

    • She didn't time how long the drinks took to cool.