Parcel - Choices 1997

Image from Parcel


Since we came here

Holland's become a parcel,

Wrapped in sweet-smelling

Brown paper,

Sent over each Christmas by the family;

Each year they stuff it with presents

Bought at the Kermis*

And a Dutch calendar.

So next year will be filled

With pictures of windmills;

Of narrow, cobbled streets

And neat brick houses

Where you can see straight inside;

Of snow in December.

I've written to say that

The windmills here are spindly;

That Christmas day is dozy with sunshine;

That the streets are wide and tarseal sticky;

That the houses I see from my window

Are painted weatherboard.

Holland's a parcel,

Wrapped in sweet-smelling

Brown paper.

On Christmas day

We'll unwrap Holland.

  *A Kermis is a fair or carnival.