During winter, the birds who visit your garden will be looking for food. At that time of the year, there is less for birds to eat.
Here is an easy recipe for the birds in your neighbourhood.
You will need:
(If you don't have the above ingredients, any cereal or breadcrumbs will do.)
Soften the fat by putting it in the microwave or sitting it in hot water. (WARNING: do not cook the fat – it must not get too hot.)
When the fat has softened, tip it into a large bowl and mix in the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon. Let the mixture cool, then tie a knot at one end of the string and poke it into the mixture. Form the mixture into a ball around the knot. Now leave the bird ball to set hard.
Next day, tie your bird ball to the branch of a tree, if possible near a window. Tie it high enough from the ground to be safe from cats. Now you can watch the birds enjoy a meal.
The bird ball does not smell or rot, and unless the weather gets very hot it will not melt. There are no messy crumbs.
Along with your bird ball, you might like to put out something to attract the honey-eating native birds, like the tui and bellbird. Mix some honey or sugar with water and put the mixture in a brightly coloured container – yellow or red are best.
The birds may be timid for a time until they feel sure the food and the feeding place are safe.