Late again

This task is about using speech marks correctly.

The story below has no speech marks " " to show when people are speaking. Put in all the missing speech marks. The first set of speech marks have been put in for you.

student leaning in desk

When Tim got to school he knew he was late because the playground was empty.

He sneaked into his classroom and quietly sat down.

Mrs Brown looked at her watch and said, "You're late again Timothy Hunt."

Tim looked at the ceiling and then down at his shoes. I'm sorry, said Tim.

What reason do you have for being late this time? asked Mrs Brown.

My dog followed me to the bus stop and I had to take him back home. Then I missed the bus and I had to wait a long time for another one to come, said Tim.

Mrs Brown snapped, This has been happening far too often!

I know, mumbled Tim.

You will have to catch up the work you have missed, said Mrs Brown, and you'll have to do it in your own time.

Text source: NZCER