Escape Artist Clyde

This task is about adding words to a text so that it makes sense.
The following piece of writing has some spaces where words are missing.
First, read the whole piece of writing through to get an idea of what it is about. Then fill each space with ONE word so that the whole piece of writing makes sense. You are able to change answers as you go.

When you have filled in all the spaces, re-read the text to check that the whole piece of writing makes sense.

Question 1Change answer

Escape Artist Clyde
Clyde the otter spent the first year of his life with his family at Auckland Zoo. Then he was moved to join Wellington Zoo otter, Bonnie. The zookeepers hoped that 1 two otters might start a family. But only two days after he 2 Clyde went missing. He had dug 3 way under one of the walls 4 the otter enclosure, and he was 5 to be seen. The zoo staff 6 up cages inside the zoo with plates 7 Clyde's favourite fish in them 8, they leaned a ramp up against 9 outside of the otter enclosure so 10 he could get back in if 11 wanted to. Two days went by 12 still there was no sign 13 Clyde. Where could he be? 14 last, someone saw Clyde - nowhere inside 15 zoo, but a whole kilometre away at 16 house in Adelaide Road, Newtown. No 17 knew how Clyde had found 18 way there, without being spotted, but 19 he was. The people who lived 20 the house, Blake and Mike, had read 21 Clyde in the newspapers, and they 22 the zoo straight away. By now, 23 was hiding in an out-of-reach hole 24 the outside laundry. The zookeepers arrived 25 set up some more traps to 26 to catch him. Five 27 after he'd escaped, Clyde was finally 28 in one of the traps.