Nouns and Proper Nouns

This task is about finding nouns and proper nouns in a short story.

Question Change answer

illustration: animals and people at the zoo
Nouns are naming words. Nouns are words that name people, places, and things.
Highlight all the nouns in the story below.
The first noun has been highlighted for you.
  • Nouns
Yesterday we went to visit the zoo in Wellington. My mum packed me a great big lunch so I wouldn't get hungry. We had to meet at the school at eight o'clock to catch the bus. I sat next to Jason and Hemi. When we first arrived we watched the monkeys being fed. Then we saw heaps of other animals. I liked the elephant most of all. It kept on waving its trunk in the air. On the way back to Whanganui it started to rain and I fell asleep. When we got back I found that I had left my jersey behind. My teacher said not to worry because we could get it posted back to us.

Question Change answer

Proper nouns
Some nouns are called proper nouns. That’s because they name a real person or place.
Highlight the proper nouns.
When you have finished, share your work with a classmate.
Does your classmate think you have highlighted the proper nouns correctly? (There are four.)
  • Proper Nouns
Yesterday we went to visit the zoo in Wellington. My mum packed me a great big lunch so I wouldn't get hungry. We had to meet at the school at eight o'clock to catch the bus. I sat next to Jason and Hemi. When we first arrived we watched the monkeys being fed. Then we saw heaps of other animals. I liked the elephant most of all. It kept on waving its trunk in the air. On the way back to Whanganui it started to rain and I fell asleep. When we got back I found that I had left my jersey behind. My teacher said not to worry because we could get it posted back to us.