Proofreading Andre's writing

This task is about finding and correcting spelling mistakes.

Andre has written about going to his school camp, but he has made some spelling mistakes. Read Andre's story and circle all the spelling mistakes. Write the correct spelling of the words in the space at the start of each line. If you cannot find a mistake, put a tick () in the space. The first two lines have been done for you.

 the day was really close. Everyone was very excited. 
The waiting was over! The teachers seemed excited as well.
_________________ Tomorow was the day! The day we were going to camp.
_________________ It was really going to hapen. After an evening to inform
_________________ our parents, we had been given letters to take home and get
_________________ signed. All those who were aloud to go to camp had worked
_________________ hard selling sausages to raise enough muney to keep the
_________________ cost for each student to seventy dollers. I had been
_________________ dreaming of this since I was five and it had been a long time
_________________ to wait. I could hardly beleive it!
_________________ My bags were packed. I had everythink on the list. I was
_________________ so excited, I couldn't sleep. I lay awake thinking about all
_________________ the fun we would have: swiming in the river and the other
_________________ games, sleeping in a cabin with my freinds, the camp fire,
_________________ the confidence course, and getting up early for brakefast.
_________________ No, I probebly wouldn't enjoy getting up too early!
_________________ This was going to be the best – I was sure that this would
_________________ become my favorite memory of school.