Which word is right?

This task is about choosing the right word to make a sentence correct.
Read the story. In some sentences, there will be a list of possible words to choose from. Only one of the words in each list makes sense.
Choose the one word that makes sense in the sentence it is in.

Question 1Change answer

boys in a bunk bed
Staying at Koro's House
I stayed at my Nanny and Koro's house on the weekend. Mum said that I was to wherewearwe're my best clothes, so I had to take offof my rugby jersey. Mum drove me to theretheirthey're house because it was twotooto far to walk. Nanny and Koro have totootwo TVs so I went to watch some cartoons in their bedroom while Mum talked with Nanny in the lounge. Koro was working in the garden. He noseknowsno's heaps about plants. On Saturday night three of my cousins werewherewe're staying and we went toototwo the movies. Later we all slept in the same bedroom. It was fun talking in bed with the lights out.