Making comparisons II

This task is about identifying and explaining the use of personification in a poem.
In each of the following poems an object is being described as if it is an animal. 
Next to each poem:
  1. write the name of the object and the animal that are being compared, and
  2. write down three ways each object is made to seem as if it is alive.
The first one has been done as an example.
a)             Asparagus
                Like a nest
                Of snakes
                Awakened, craning
                Out of the
                Ground: to stand
                With sharp
                Scaly heads
                Alert, tasting
               The air,
               Taking the sun,
               Looking around.
i)  What object and animal are being compared?
                       asparagus and snakes
ii)  Write down three ways in which the object is made to seem as if it is alive.
  • The asparagus fronds crane their necks
  • They have sharp scaly heads
  • They look around

Question 1Change answer

b)          Tractor
              The tractor rests
              In the shed,
              Dead or asleep,
              But with high
              Hind wheels
              Held so still
              We know
              It is only waiting,
              Ready to leap -
              Like a heavy
i)  What object and animal are being compared?
ii)  Write down three ways in which the object is made to seem as if it is alive.

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c)             Safety pin
                Closed, it sleeps
                On its side
                The silver
                Of some
                Small fish;
                Opened, it snaps
                Its tail out
                Like a thin
                Shrimp, and looks
                At the sharp
                Point with a
                Surprised eye.  
i)  What object and animal are being compared?
ii)  Write down three ways in which the object is made to seem as if it is alive.

Question 1Change answer

d)     Holden Commodore
        In the early evening,
        I see a big red lion
        with its eyes shining yellow.
        It prowls for ages
        along the road
        and only stops
        to drink at Caltex.
        I can hear it roar.     
i)  What object and animal are being compared?
ii)  Write down three ways in which the object is made to seem as if it is alive.

Question 1Change answer

e)  What is the effect of showing how objects are like animals in poetry?