
This task is about identifying prepositions in sentences.

Prepositions show the relationship of one thing to another.

Draw a circle around all the prepositions in the following sentences. Some of the sentences contain more than one preposition. The first one has been done for you.

a) The class does its spelling  interval.
b) The teachers eat their lunch with their students.
c) The ball is under the teacher's table.
d) We will eat breakfast around seven o'clock.
e) The snow looked like white icing.
f) Marty grabbed clean socks along with his shoes.
g) Lete looked at the city below her.
h) The kite landed among the trees.
i) The game would start about nine o'clock.
j) The cricket team arrived at the ground without their bats.
k) It was very hard to choose between the flavours of icecream.
l) Sally liked to walk in the rain except when the wind was blowing.
m) Joey needed a large drink of water after his run.