Words in tales

This task is about words that sound the same, but have different spelling and meanings.

Nikki has written some sentences about the stories she has been reading. She has made some spelling mistakes. Read each sentence and draw a circle around all the mistakes Nikki has made. Fix her mistakes by writing the correct word in the space at the start of each line. If you cannot find a mistake, put a tick (tick mark) in the space. The first two lines have been done for you.

Fairytale images
a) some Red Riding Hood stopped and picked sum flowers.
b) tick mark The old lady threw her last fingernail at Maui.
c) ____________ Snow White eight the red apple.
d) ____________ The man called the birds of the ear together.
e) ____________ The prince asked Sleeping Beauty if she wood marry him.
f) ____________ The other ducks maid fun of the ugly duckling.
g) ____________ The eel and the flounder once lived in the see together.
h) ____________ The wolf blue down the houses of the first two pigs.
i) ____________ The which tried to fatten up Hansel and Gretel.
j) ____________ The emperor really could not see his new clothes.