Flax flyers

This task is about knowing the difference between factual and persuasive language.


Read the article  'Flax flyers'.

This article uses two types of language:

  • The factual language of giving instructions
  • The persuasive language that is often used in advertising.

a) Read the following sentences taken from the article. Next to each sentences write a P if persuasive language is used or an F if factual language is used. The first one has been done for you.

i) Flax flyers are fun! P
ii) Anyone can do it!  
iii) Race them! Chase them!  
iv) Get your flax flyer NOW at your local flax bush.  
v) Make a split in the flax here.  
vi) The split should be about 10 centimetres long.  
vii) This makes the string.