Keeping the Score

This task is about understanding different points of view.
Read about the points of view below to find out what Alex, Brit, Carla, and Debbie think about keeping score in school sport.
I like knowing who won and lost. What's the point of playing if you don't keep score? Sports statistics can tell us heaps about the game.
Being involved is more important than competing. It's better that kids do something and learn to co-operate instead of worrying about the score/who's winning.
Losing badly by heaps of points makes the team feel bad. When we lost all the time some of the kids stopped coming to practice.
I want to be the best. You've got to go hard and really want to win. The more you win by, the better.
Who is most likely to have said the following statements?


a)  "My favourite game ever was one we drew, but we really worked well as a team and everyone encouraged each other." Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie


b)  "The Aussie teams know how to win because they learn to compete when they are young."
     Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie


c)  "I play six different sports, I'm not the star in the team, I just love playing."
     Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie


d)  "It's really like work, playing sport. But the more I work the better I will get."
     Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie


e)  "I'm happier when we win, but I don't expect to win, really."
     Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie


f)  "Last season my team let a slack goal in right at the end. I was so hacked off! We could have won 9-0."
     Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie


g)  "I can't figure out "Kiwi Sport" really. Sometimes the teachers don't even tell us the final score."
     Select whether the speaker was Alex, Brit, Carla, or Debbie.
    • Alex

    • Brit

    • Carla

    • Debbie