A clever way out

This task is about adding words to a text so that it makes sense.
The following piece of writing has some spaces where words are missing.
First, read the whole piece of writing through to get an idea of what it is about. Then fill each space with ONE word so that the whole piece of writing makes sense. You are able to change answers as you go.

When you have filled in all the spaces, re-read the text to check that the whole piece of writing makes sense.

Question 1Change answer

A clever way out
One day aboard the Antelope, it happened that Sam, the Captain's servant, while emptying his master's valuable silver teapot, accidentally dropped it overboard. He was terrified as to what 1 happen when the Captain found out, 2 he made up his mind to 3 things easier for himself.
"Sir, is 4 lost when you know where it 5?" he asked the Captain.
"Of course 6 isn't," was the reply. "If you 7 where it is, it can't be 8, now, can it?"
"Are you quite 9 of that, Sir?" Sam asked anxiously.
"10 sure as I am that this 11 is sailing the wide, blue Pacific," 12 the Captain.
"Well, that makes me 13 happy indeed," said Sam. "Your silver 14 isn't really lost, because I know 15 it is. It is at the 16 of the ocean."