Using a Dictionary

This task is about using a dictionary.
Use the dictionary page below to answer the questions that follow.

Question 2Change answer

a)  The guide word at the top left-hand side of this dictionary page is "Top".
     Write down the guide word that should be written on the top right-hand side of this dictionary page.

Question 2Change answer

b)  How many meanings does the word "torpid" have?  


c)  Which of the meanings for the word "top" are used in this sentence: "Colin's fish story topped them all"?  (Select one)
    • Meaning 1

    • Meaning 4

    • Meaning 6

    • Meaning 7

    • Meaning 8

Question 2Change answer

d)  There is no definition given for the word "tore". 
     Write down how you would find the definition for "tore" in the dictionary.

Question 2Change answer

e)  Describe how this dictionary shows the number of syllables each word has.

Question 2Change answer

f)  In the entry for "topaz", what does the "n." tell us about the word topaz?

Question 2Change answer

g)  In the entry for the word "topic" there is a word in brackets (top´ik). What information does the word in brackets tell us?

Question 2Change answer

h)  What is the plural for the word torso?