Once bitten

This task is about identifying important information that will help you get the main idea of a text.
Read "Once bitten" by David Hill, pages 43-48 School Journal Part 4, Number 3, 1994.


a)  Choose the three pieces of information below that are most important to this text.
    • The storyteller liked Wild West movies.

    • The bikie's good manners.

    • Things kept sliding round on the tray.

    • The storyteller went to a coffee bar.

    • The storyteller thought the bikie had taken his muesli bar.

    • The storyteller spent his newspaper money.

    • The bikie was drinking a cup of coffee.

    • The bikie's appearance.


b)  What is the main idea of this text?
    • Bikies have tattoos and leather gear.

    • You can't work out how people will behave from the way they look.

    • You should be careful who you sit next to when you're on your own.

    • You shouldn't eat other people's food.