Dit, Dit, Daah

This task is about finding details, then putting them together to find the main idea of a text.
Read "Dit, Dit, Daah", from pages 2 to 7, School Journal Part 4, Number 3, 2001. In this text there are lots of details about:

  1. Communicating with people who don't speak your language is hard.
  2. People who don't speak the same language can communicate without actually speaking.
a) First, find details in the text about: "Communicating with people who don't speak your language is hard." Quote, or give a brief description of the details. Quote means to state what was written in the text, exactly as it was written. We use quote marks "" to show that we have taken writing from a text.

Page: ____


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Page: ____

b)  Find details in the text that are about:
     "People who don't speak the same language can communicate without actually speaking."
     Quote, or give a brief description of the details:

Page: ____


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c) Tick  the box next to the main idea of the text.

  Being in a new school is stressful – especially when you are new to the country.
  Learning a new language is hard. Children know how to communicate across cultures.
  Morse code is a language that you can learn to communicate with other cultures.
  Communication is not easy when people speak different languages, but it can be done.