What's in a word

This task is about understanding some of the key features found on a page in a dictionary.
Here are some entries from a dictionary page.
A dictionary page for the word "rampant"
Write down the two guide words that appear on this page.
____________________        __________________
Write down two head-words that are on this page. ____________________        __________________
Some head-words have more than one syllable. Write down one of these words.
There are several different types of font used in the dictionary extract.
Draw a line to join the type of font with its use. There will be one "use" left over.

Type of font used
i) UPPER CASE A   used when explaining the meaning of a word
ii) italic B   identifies the head-word in the entry
iii) bold C   used to give examples of words with opposite meanings
iv) normal type D   used to give some information about which parts of speech the word belongs to
    E   used when giving an example of how the word is used
In one sentence, explain how the dictionary shows which syllable of a word is stressed when it is spoken.
Write down one example of a word which can be used both as a noun and as a verb.
g) What do the following abbreviations from the dictionary extract mean?
 ADJ         _________________________________________________________
SING N   _________________________________________________________