Nouns and verbs

This task is about using a word as a noun and a verb.
Some words can be used as both nouns (people, places, and things) and verbs (action words).
For example, in the case of the word "fly":
  • noun  =  The fly buzzed around the room.
  • verb   =  I wish I could fly.
Write two sentences for each of the words listed below. Use each word as a noun and then as a verb.

Question 1Change answer

a)  cook
     i) noun: 
     ii) verb: 

Question 1Change answer

 b)  break
     i) noun: 
     ii) verb: 

Question 1Change answer

c)  show
     i) noun: 
     ii) verb: 

Question 1Change answer

d)  lift
     i) noun: 
     ii) verb: