Magic stuff

This task is about finding information in a poem and making inferences from it.
Read Magic Stuff  by Fiona Farrell (pages 28-29, School Journal Part 2, Number 1, 1999) and do the following tasks.

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a)  What does the poem say the magic brew will do to the person who drinks it?

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b)  i)  What is a "brew"?  

     ii) Write down another word in the poem that has a similar meaning to "brew".

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c)  How many ingredients are used in the magic brew? 

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d)  "Boiled cabbage" and "semolina" are food humans can eat.
     Why do you think they have been included in this recipe?

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e)  Why did the person probably want to give some "magic stuff" to his/her older brother?

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f)  When poets use words that start with the same sound this is called alliteration, e.g., "stinky socks".
     Copy another part of the poem that shows alliteration.

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g)  Find an example of rhyme that is used in the poem.