Boy's Song

This task is about using evidence to predict and make inferences from a poem.
Read the first three verses of the poem Boy's Song by Sam Hunt (School Journal, Part 3, No. 3: The Sleepy Giant & other poems, 1989). Then complete the tasks below.
Task One: Visualise each verse as a film clip, then fill in the storyboard below. Make a prediction for the fourth verse.
  Verse one Verse two Verse three My prediction for Verse four is:
Quick drawing
of main picture
Time of day
Sound effects
Describe your prediction for verse four:
Explain why you think the poem will end the way you predicted:
Task 2: Read verse four of Boy's Song and then answer the following questions.
This verse could be interpreted in different ways. Describe what you think it means:
Explain why you think it means that:
What clues does the writer give in the first three verses that help you make a prediction for verse four?