Newspaper report

This task is about reading a news report and answering some questions about it.

Cartoon rat
Air NZ passenger
found rat on knee

     A person flying Air New Zealand business class will be offered compensation after finding a rat sitting on their lap.
     The runaway rodent with a penchant for air travel was first seen on the Boeing 767-300 after it left Los Angeles on its way to Auckland through Tahiti.
     "The rat was sighted by crew but their attempts to catch it failed when it ran to the rear of the aircraft," airline spokesman Cameron Hill said. "Later in the flight a passenger in business class felt something on her right leg, lifted her blanket and found the rat on her knees."
     Yet another search failed to find the stowaway and it was seen again running about the cabin.
     Quarantine officials were called to meet the aircraft when it landed in Auckland yesterday.
     They searched passengers' hand baggage but failed to find the rat.
     The aircraft was placed under quarantine and fumigated, a process that takes 24 hours. – NZPA




How many times did the rat appear during the flight?


Why would the airline offer "compensation" to the traveller in the headline?


Newspaper reports often use the exact words someone has said. Who is quoted in this report?


"A search failed to find the stowaway". What does "stowaway" mean?


The article states that the rat had "a penchant for air travel".
What word could be used instead of "penchant" without changing the meaning of the sentence?


"The aircraft was placed under quarantine". What does "quarantine" mean?