Playing with words: memorable

This task is about learning how to find the meaning of the word 'memorable'.
Part 1
Think about the word "memorable".

a) Where have you seen or heard this word used?


b) Use the word "memorable" in a sentence:


c) What do you think "​memorable" means?


d) Which parts of the word "memorable"' give you a clue about what it means?

Part 2
Read Playing with Words by Apirana Taylor (2004). Then complete the tasks below.

a) Fill in the chart below.

i) Copy the sentence on page 20 which includes the word "memorable" and also the neighbouring sentence or sentences which help tell you what it means. ii) What do these sentences tell you that "memorable" means?      
b) Now what do you think "memorable" means? 

c) Use the word "memorable" in a new sentence:


d) Pause, look and think back. Something I'm still wondering about the word "memorable" is: