Figures of speech

This task is about identifying some figures of speech.
Cartoon showing a person reading a book
Figures of speech are figurative language - expressions that have a different meaning to the words that are actually written or said. They create effect. Some figures of speech are listed below.
Alliteration: The repetition of the same initial sound in words that are close together.
Simile: A comparison using 'like' or 'as'.
Metaphor: A direct comparison between two things.
Hyperbole: Exaggeration
Personification: Gives to objects the qualities of a person.
Irony: The idea given is usually the opposite meaning to the words used.
From the list above write in the figure of speech that best describes each of the examples below.
  Figure of Speech Example
a)   I must have done the dishes a million times.
b)   She dressed like an unmade bed.
c)   The tense teacher taught tightly.
d)   The computer screen smiled back at me.
e)   The band was so good the fans left before the second song.
f)   The moon's a balloon.
g)   The rock stood as a guard to the secret entrance.
h)   She snapped my head off.
i)   The excited girl entered the house like a hurricane.