Kayak trip

This task is about understanding how language features can be used to write interesting advertisements. 
Read the brochure about the Kaiteriteri Kayaks full day trip to help answer the questions.

Explore the great beaches & islands in the 'Astrolabe area' within the Abel Tasman National Park. PLUS check out coastline that no other day trip gets to, including caves, islands & Split Apple Rock. We aim to get the most out of the day so we are on the water earlier & get home later. Highlights include sailing on the sea breeze & chance encounters with dolphins, penguins & seals. Relax or swim on one of our regular stops. Our 'beach cafe' refreshments include freshly ground coffee, home made chocolates & mussels – guaranteed to delight your taste buds. PRICE $80. Departs 8.45am. (Bring your own lunch.)

Question 2Change answer

a)  The phrase, "Explore the great beaches & islands in the Astrolabe area", sounds like a command. Write down another phrase from this advertisement that sounds like a command.

Question 2Change answer

b) The word "PLUS" has been made to stand out. Why would the promoters of Kaiteriteri Kayaks want to emphasise this word?

Question 3Change answer

c) Write down two phrases which suggest that this trip is different from other trips.

Question 4Change answer

d) Explain the meaning of the phrase "chance encounters".

Question 5Change answer

e) Why have the words "beach cafe" been written with inverted commas?